Courting community contribution
Published: 24 March 2022
Eurobodalla councillors used Tuesday’s council meeting to call on the community to get involved in policy development for their shire.
All council policies must be reviewed in the first twelve months of office and Eurobodalla has more than 90 to get through. Policies are bundled and submitted to one Council meeting per month, then placed on public exhibition for 28 days.
Mayor Mathew Hatcher said resident input was vital.
“Eurobodalla citizens can play a role in policy development, giving councillors advice about where the community wants to be on a whole range of local government issues. As Cr Grace said, without that community input, we’re just nine people around a table making decisions.”
An amendment to the Council report by Cr Amber Schutz means public exhibition of policies will prominently include other relevant documents.
Policies on public exhibition can be reviewed and submissions on Council's website .
Meanwhile, if residents want livestreaming of Public Forum and Public Access returned, they are being urged to complete a short survey. Now available on Council’s engagement platform, the survey is anonymous and takes five to 10 minutes to complete. Answers will help preparation of a new draft Code of Meeting Practice, open for community feedback during May.
Online platform Zoom is allowing community members to watch Public Forum and Public Access as an interim measure until a new Code can be endorsed later this year.
Mayor Hatcher also reminded citizens that applications for a position on Council’s advisory committees close this Sunday.
“There are vacancies for community representatives on our heritage, Aboriginal inclusion, disability, public arts, and coastal management committees. We know we have fantastic expertise in our community and we want to bring to those skills to our committees.”
Council’s Climate Action Plan, Disability Inclusion Action Plan and Development Contribution Plans are also currently on exhibition and community feedback is encouraged.
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