Flood plans underway for the Bay

Published: 2 September 2024

Eurobodalla Council has an important role in keeping the community safe by planning for future flooding. A floodplain risk management plan is currently being developed for the Batemans Bay area.

Residents are invited to share their knowledge, experience, and preferences around different options that reduce flood impact. This new plan will build on work done in 2021-23 through the Batemans Bay Urban Creeks Flood Study and the Eurobodalla Open Coast Coastal Management Program, with the latest rainfall and runoff guidelines also factored in.

Eurobodalla Council’s flood planner Cameron Whiting said people can provide feedback in person or by online survey.

“While modelling is incredibly useful, the best risk-management options will be backed by local knowledge and experience, with community validation and acceptance. We want to hear from Bay locals with experience of flooding or who have ideas on how risks can be reduced,” Mr Whiting said.

“I encourage people to visit Council’s community engagement platform Our Eurobodalla and complete the five-minute survey. Or visit us in person at the Bay Pavilions on Monday 9 September from 1-6pm.”

The study area includes the urban catchments of Maloneys Beach, Long Beach, Surfside, Catalina and the Water Gardens, Joes Creek, short Beach Creek and McLeods Creek.

“Following community input, we’ll model a range of options to work out which best protect our community – whether by reducing risk by allowing for better emergency planning or by raising parts of the Bay to reduce flood impact. We’ve already got some ideas that we’re happy to discuss with the community during or after the drop-in session.”

For more information visit Council’s Batemans Bay Urban Creeks Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan webpage. The project is partially funded by a NSW Government floodplain management grant.

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