Bushfire commemoration plaque unveiled
Eurobodalla Mayor Liz Innes today gave thanks to the many people who served Eurobodalla during the 2019-20 bushfire emergency and the recovery efforts since.
Clr Innes was joined by Gilmore MP Fiona Phillips and Bega MP Andrew Constance, as she spoke to emergency services and agency heads at the unveiling of a commemorative plaque located in the Council administration building forecourt in Moruya.
The plaque reads: “Eurobodalla Council gives thanks for the courage and compassion of all who helped through the dark days of the emergency and recovery efforts since.”
Clr Innes acknowledged there were simply too many people to thank. Deputy Mayor Rob Pollock read a message from Prime Minister Scott Morrison that spoke to the courage and strength of the people of Eurobodalla.
The 2019-20 summer bushfires devastated Eurobodalla with almost 400,000 hectares burnt and 500 homes lost. Three people lost their lives.
Attendees were provided with commemorative pins that featured black cockatoos and a banksia.
“The black cockatoos symbolise the power of spirit. In Aboriginal lore these celebratory birds bring happiness and contentment. They are often said to herald rain,” Clr Innes said.
“Banksias symbolise regeneration, storing energy in tubers for quick regrowth and woody seedpods which burst once fire passes by.”