The Eurobodalla Food Trail brochure is available now, in print or online, as part of a video campaign featuring celebrity chef Paul West.
The Eurobodalla Regional Botanic Garden team are looking for community input to design a new Discovery Garden.
Carmel Brophy knows well what it’s like for life to be thrown into chaos. Now she’s ready to use her experience to help others.
Eurobodalla residents and ratepayers can now cast their vote for eight councillors and a Mayor for the Eurobodalla Council elections.
A deteriorating Wagonga Inlet foreshore could be transformed into an innovative ‘living shoreline’ to protect the estuary long term.
A new social gathering in Bodalla is offering a safe space for blokes to share a meal and the highs and lows of life with a group of mates.
A new picnic shelter has been added to the Central Tilba sportsground facilities, further extending the grounds community potential.
Council will remove bushfire-affected trees from reserves and complete work along roadside verges thanks to a new $3M grant.
Parents can learn how to start preparing their little ones for the transition to primary school from an early childhood researcher.
We're seeking community feedback on a draft plan outlining actions to protect the Moruya River, Mummaga Lake and Wagonga Inlet estuaries.
Eurobodalla Council is partnering with Batemans Bay’s Village Centre to host a National Recycling Week information kiosk.
The draft Mogo Village Place Activation Plan is now on public exhibition, with 47 prioritised actions to secure the future of the village.
Eurobodalla Council is seeking community input to help improve opportunities for people with disability in the shire.
Timeshare arrangements for dogs on selected beaches in Eurobodalla came back into effect on Monday 1 November.
The Bas makes its triumphant return to real-life exhibitions with two larger than life contemporary offerings; Time Stretches my Limits and Light Years.
Parents and carers can learn more about how to encourage their child’s language skills at free talks at local libraries in November.
Council will release the calicivirus in Dalmeny, Kianga and Narooma areas to help control the feral rabbit population.
Improving food security, caring for the disadvantaged, and environmental responsibility are a few of residents' priorities.