Step 10: Modifying a development consent
You can apply to modify your development consent if the modified development remains largely the same as the initial approved development. If you're not able to demonstrate this, you'll need to submit a new DA.
Submit your modified DA
You'll need to submit various documents with your modified DA (also known as a mod DA), which includes:
- Statement of environmental effects (3.1 MB)
This proforma should only be used for class 1 and 10 buildings, and for development that is minor (not State significant) - DPHI - standard form of estimated development cost report: Download the standard form on DPHI's website
- Make sure you've addressed all items outlined in the checklist:
- DPHI has outlined the application requirements for development to help you prepare your DA and supporting documents:
- Read our fact sheet:
- You are now ready to lodge your mod DA on the Planning Portal.
Your Mod DA will then go through these steps: